the Founder

We offers market intelligence, risk management and educational services on commodities and forex markets

Gianclaudio Torlizzi T-Commodity founder
Gianclaudio Torlizzi T-Commodity founder

T-Commodity is a leading consultancy company which offers market intelligence, risk management and educational services on commodities and forex markets.

Gianclaudio Torlizzi was born in Rome on January 4, 1977. After completing his classical high school education in 1995, he enrolled in the Communication Sciences degree program, majoring in journalism, at LUMSA University in Rome. He began writing for the weekly magazine Borsa & Finanza in 1999. In 2001, he moved to New York, where he worked at the economic and financial desk of the ANSA agency and as a correspondent for newspapers such as Il Secolo XIX and Corriere Economia, covering topics related to the economy, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and the energy market. After graduating and obtaining his qualification as a professional journalist, he was hired in Rome in 2003 by the Adnkronos agency to coordinate the start-up phase of a service providing analysis and information on emerging markets and raw materials (Adnkronos/Marketwatch). In 2008, he was recruited by the U.S. group Dow Jones to lead the Italian operations of the Energy & Commodities division. In 2010, he founded T-Commodity, the first Italian company specializing in independent consultancy on raw materials for industrial use. In 2021, he published the essay “Materia Rara’, come la pandemia e il green deal hanno stravolto il mercato delle materie prime, edito da Guerini & Associati” , published by Guerini & Associati.

Unanimously recognized as one of the best analyst on commodities in Europe, Torlizzi partecipates as speaker during events arranged by the leading industry lobbies in Italy such as Confindustria and Confapi.

Institutional Activities

  • Advisor to the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto for strategic analysis of the impact of raw materials and rare materials on the supply chain and the industrial sector of Defense.

  • Lecturer for the training school of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

  • Member of the Technical Table on Critical Raw Materials of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

  • Member of the Study Group on National Strategic Needs of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

  • Member of the Strategic Reflection Group on Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

  •  Member of the Scientific Committee of the think tank Policy Observatory of LUISS University in Rome.

  • Policy Paper No. 3/2024: “Two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine: an assessment of economic sanctions and future scenarios.”

  • Policy Paper No. 03/2023: “Semiconductors in the defense sector: proposal for a national plan.”

  • Policy Paper No. 02/2023: “Why Italy needs a National Mining Plan.”

  • Policy Paper No. 01/2023: “A pan-European strategy for the energy emergency.”

  • Policy Paper No. 05/2022: “It’s not just the war in Ukraine behind the boom in raw materials.”



Fundamental and technical analysis report on LME Metals, precious metals, energy and currencies.


Audio/video conference calls and/or in-house meeting on commodities/forex outlook according to clients’ requests.


Eexternal and in-house seminars on commodities hedging techniches and pricing mechanism.